Monday, May 3, 2010

Belly Dancing and Er Hus at PS 308

Music is in the air at the PS 308's after school program! A new program called Global Music has recently begun and is showing the students music from Hong Kong to Morocco. The first class looked at traditional Chinese instruments and the students even got a bit of a tune of of them! Another class had a Moroccan belly dancer get the students moving their bodies like Shakira. Next class is still up for grabs!! Will they be doing an Irish jig or beating on African drums? Either way, they will be enjoying themselves and documenting the program to create their own movie of music from around the world. We'll make sure to keep you posted!

Jazz and NYC at the Museum School

The Harlem Renaissance? Jazz? Poetry? Art? France? 2nd Graders? All going on at the Museum School in the Bronx. Over 3 workshops these second graders experienced jazz and the Harlem Renaissance through music, art, poetry, history and international flavor. Each class focused on a different part of jazz and Harlem. First was looking the historical background and how jazz traveled across the country and the world to end up in the neighborhood just South of them. The second class looked at art; how it was influenced by feelings of jazz. Each student created their own "Jazz Art" piece of their favorite part of New York City in an emotion of their choosing. The "happy" Coney Island screamed for ice cream and sun and the "sad' Statue of Liberty teared up in blues. The final class took the words of poets such as Langston Hughes and Claude McKay and put them to jazz. The students then created their own poems inspired by their own pictures. We are just waiting for their final event to see how this poetry jam turned out.

   The Bronx Zoo
  Everyone is fighting
  Terrible, angry, mean
  Animals, tigers, elephants
  They are always fighting each other

See What We're Doing!